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GymMaster Gym Software Manual

Member Portal

Allow members online access to their account and membership details, bookings, communication history and workout plans

Enable Membership Purchase

Allow new and existing members to purchase Memberships online via sign up process, Member Portal and Member App.

Member Portal Configuration

Step One

  • Go to Settings > Membership Types
  • Select Membership Type Settings
  • Select Member Portal Configuration
    • Enable Purchase of New Memberships Online
  • Continue through all Membership Type Settings - Member Portal Configuration one by one

Enable Purchase of Individual Memberships

Step Two

  • Go to Settings > Membership Types
  • Select to Add / Edit Membership
  • Navigate to Sell Membership Online
  • Select Enable Online Signup
  • Add service Description - this will be displayed online
  • Complete details
  • Repeat Step Two for every Membership where online purchase is allowed

Membership Next Step - Membership Presentation