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GymMaster Gym Software Manual

Member Portal

Allow members online access to their account and membership details, bookings, communication history and workout plans

Membership Renewal

As an existing membership approaches the end of it’s term, you can allow members to renew their memberships online.
To add this option to the Portal / App, be sure the following steps are complete.

Enable Renewal

Step One

  • Go to Membership Types > Add / Edit Membership Type
    • Navigate down to Sell Membership Online
    • Select Allow Renewal Online
      • Select to renew at original price OR set renewal online price
  • Repeat Step 1 for every Membership to enable online purchase

Define When Renewal Option Appears

Step Two

  • Go to Advanced Configuration > Membership to select;
    • Membership Renewal - Concessions - how many concessions remaining for renew option to become available for members
    • Membership Renewal - Time - how long before membership ends for renew option to become available for members

Enable Renewal within Member App

Step Three

  • Go to Home > Dashboard > Customize Member App
    • Enable Ending Memberships option
      This step is not required for Member Portal access via web browser

Membership Stage Complete

Next Stage - Details