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GymMaster Gym Software Manual

Member Portal

Allow members online access to their account and membership details, bookings, communication history and workout plans

Cancel Services Online

Default configuration for service cancellation is done within Member Portal Configuration.

  • Go to Settings > Advanced Configuration > Member Portal Configuration

    • Select Bookings
    • Scroll down to Enable cancellation of service booking online
      • Select to enable or disable this option
  • Once enabled, a selection of options will appear allowing you to set the default terms of cancellation for all services.
    Note cancellation terms can be amended per service, if required, when creating or editing your individual services

    • Minimum Cancellation Period - Select minimum amount of time before a service booking begins that member can cancel online
      • After this time period passes members will no longer be able cancel online
    • Booking Cancellation Fee - Choose cancellation fee charged to member account upon cancellation of a service booking.
      • This will apply only when cancellation mode is set to Charge Fee for Cancellation
    • Cancellation Fee Period - Select time frame prior to service within which a cancellation fee will be charged
      • If not set - fee will be charged at any time of cancellation
      • Note this setting does not apply when cancellation mode is set to Refund - No Charge
    • Cancellation Mode - How will member be charged for online cancellation of a service booking
      • Forfeit Full Fee - Member will not be refunded any of original service fee
      • Refund - No Change - Member will be refunded / credited full fee of service
      • Charge Fee for Cancellation - Member will be charged fee for cancellation. Original service fee will be refunded / credited.

Next - Cancel Memberships Online