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GymMaster Gym Software Manual

Member Portal

Allow members online access to their account and membership details, bookings, communication history and workout plans.
Allow members to make online bookings, receive booking updates or cancel bookings, purchase memberships, make payments and communicate with staff.
Members can access Member Portal via the Member App or your website.

Online Membership Purchase

Before setting up your Memberships for online booking, be sure to;

Display Online Memberships using Multi Step List

In addition to your Membership Category grouping above, you can select for your memberships within each group to be displayed by Payment Frequency.
Once Multi-Step Membership List is enabled, memberships will be displayed by Category first, then Payment Frequency, alphabetically.

  • To enable this option go to Settings > Advanced Configuration > Member Portal Configuration > Membership > Multi-Step Membership List
  • Note, wording used online for payment frequency (weekly, fortnightly, monthly) can be customized under Member Portal Configuration > Memberships*

Multi-Step Example

Step 1
At beginning of the sign up process, your categories will be presented like this;

Step 2
Memberships within the selected category will be displayed.
When there are multiple memberships with a category they will be ordered by payment frequency; Weekly, Fortnightly, Monthly, etc

Setup Online Membership Purchase

Enable Online Membership Purchase
Display Online Memberships by Category
Display Online Memberships with Color
Display Online Membership Renewal Option

Member App
Member Portal