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GymMaster Gym Software Manual

Member Page

Manual tasks related to members can be managed through the different tabs within each member’s page

Add Member Hold Online

Example provided shows process for member to apply a hold on a membership / all memberships, via the Member App.
The process is the same, though visually will appear slightly different, via the Member Portal.

Navigate to Memberships on Member Portal / App

  • Select Add Hold on a current membership
  • Select to add hold to that membership only, or to All Active Memberships (bottom of page)
  • Add Reason for adding hold
  • Select Start / End Date
    • By default the end-date is inclusive, so end-date selected is the last day that the hold is active
  • Select Add Hold

Note - restrictions will apply based on settings applied when setting up Manual Holds and Online Holds

Membership/s will be on hold as of start date selected
By default the end-date is inclusive, so end-date selected is the last day that the hold is active

Online Holds Complete
Next - Automated Holds