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GymMaster Gym Software Manual

Add Member

Details for all new, current, casual, expired members as well as prospects are stored on GymMaster

To Add Member, follow through these steps;

Add Details

Work through the Details page, entering Member information, as required;


  • Name, Date of Birth, Gender
  • Key Fob
    • Small electronic device used by members to gain door access
    • Click on Key Fob field
    • Scan fob to assign Key Fob to member
  • Passcode
    • Individual code, offering alternative door access option
  • Labels


  • Email, Phone Numbers, Address
  • Subscription
    • Manage Email and SMS/App subscription settings
    • App must be enabled to allow App notifications

Additional Details

  • Assign club, Trainer, Sales Rep, ‘Referred By’ Member
  • Joining Date, Occupation
  • Source Promotion
    • Track how your members find you, eg Website, Facebook, Instagram, Summer Promotion
    • Go to Custom Fields to manage your list of customized Promotions
  • Custom Warning Banner
    • Visible to staff only; message appears in banner of Member’s detail page

Emergency Contact

  • Emergency contact details
  • Doctor details
  • Medical details
  • Waiver Status

Custom Fields and Lookups

Billing Address

  • Billing address details

Add Photo

  • Take photo or Upload photo
  • See Side Menu for more details on adding photos

Once basic information has been added, use the Save and Add Membership button to Add Membership

Next Step - Add Membership