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The Best Locations to Open a Gym in 2024: Spaces, Places and Passers-by

Wed, May 29, 2024

The Secret to a Busy Gym? Choosing the Perfect Location Opening a gym is an exciting venture, but the success of your business heavily relies on one crucial factor: location. The success of any new gym hinges on its accessibility, visibility, and … More

How to Raise Gym Prices

Mon, Aug 8, 2022

On average, inflation drives up the cost of running any business somewhere between 1%-3% every year. This means that a price increase is a necessity, if you want to continue profiting anyway. In a time when prices are rising faster than we can keep … More

Sales Techniques to Close More Gym Leads and Get More Members

Mon, Jun 6, 2022

Most gym owners open their doors with the hopes of one day seeing their facility full of people. In order to make this dream a reality you need to be … More

Get more out of your clubs marketing budget

Tue, May 24, 2022

In a perfect world, we would have a bottomless budget to spend on gym marketing. Although throwing money at paid ads works for some companies, being … More

Optimizing How You Use Gym Software To Improve Your Club's Bottom Line.

Thu, Sep 17, 2020

As in our previous post, 2020 has been a year that has forced numerous fitness clubs to shift to a defensive business strategy or a proactive one that saw them divest into areas which they never previously considered to maintain cash flow during the … More

Gym Marketing Strategies - Differentiating your club from the competition.

Tue, Jun 16, 2020

An unfortunate aspect of running a fitness club, like operating any sort of business (usually) is that it is almost guaranteed that there will be competitors trying to grow alongside you, competing for market share (and profits). It’s basic economics … More

Gym Email Marketing Guide 1 of 3: Planning Gym Email Campaigns for Effective Results

Thu, Oct 31, 2019

The low cost and relatively high effectiveness of email have seen the fitness club industry adopting email as a cornerstone component in their marketing arsenal for a number of years now. This communication tool is commonly utilized to increase … More

Gym Email Marketing Guide 2 of 3: Best Practices for Writing Effective Gym Email Content.

Tue, Oct 29, 2019

Now the foundations of your strategy are in place, it’s time to start writing your emails and planning when to send them to ensure they are effective. As with all marketing, the content of your emails should be closely aligned to the needs of … More

Gym Email Marketing Guide 3 of 3: How to Set up an Automated Email in GymMaster

Mon, Oct 28, 2019

Sending emails to your gym’s members and prospects has never been easier. General GymMaster clients can use their system to create email templates for sending personalised messages directly to your email list with the click of a button - or … More

How to Approach Sleeping Gym Members

Wed, Oct 16, 2019

People who own a gym membership and no longer visit the facility are what is known in the industry as a sleeping member. For some fitness clubs, sleeping members are seen as easy revenue - but for others, these sleepers are just clients who are a few … More

Understanding and measuring member experience at your club.

Wed, Oct 2, 2019

The member experience is known as the cognitive or emotional assessment of all encounters a customer has with a firm that relates to purchase behavior. It’s a critical component to the success of any gym business, with research showing direct … More

Lead Management Tips - Prospecting for Success: Grow your membership numbers.

Mon, Sep 30, 2019

Running a successful business requires many things but the bare minimum is a revenue stream and this means sales. There is a wide range of ways to improve your sales but today we’re going to cover Prospect and Lead management. There are 3 main forms … More

Encouraging word of mouth advertising to gain more gym members

Mon, Aug 26, 2019

Gaining a strong membership base is one of the areas which can be the cause of a large amount of stress for many gym owners. Finding the right channels to market your club can be tedious, expensive and require a large amount of trial and error. One … More

How to get more gym members - boost your prospect conversion rate

Sun, Aug 18, 2019

A common problem for many gyms, especially newer ones, is establishing and maintaining a large enough membership base to cover operating costs. To achieve and maintain the optimal amount of members for a club there are two key aspects of the member … More

Four easy gym marketing ideas for maintaining engagement over holidays

Mon, Aug 12, 2019

Gyms have always had a love-hate relationship with public holidays - while they can be a distraction for current members from their workout routines, they can also be a strong motivator or even a trigger motivating new members to sign up. Some … More

Using Facebook with Gym Software: Installing the Facebook Pixel in your GymMaster Member Portal

Wed, May 22, 2019

Leads captured within the GymMaster member portal which have been generated from Facebook & Instagram can now be tracked and attributed to your efforts on social media with the new ability to install the Facebook pixel in GymMaster. You can … More

Fitness Club Newsletters - Best Practices to Get The Most out of your Email Newsletters

Fri, Apr 5, 2019

Keeping regular contact with your members is key to maintaining club engagement, especially for your less active members. A fantastic way for keeping clients up to date with happenings around your club through use of monthly fitness club newsletters. … More

6 Reasons your Fitness Club's Website Needs a Members Portal

Thu, Mar 28, 2019

Efficiency and convenience is key to the success of a business in this digital age. Today, having information at our fingertips is an expectation rather than a bonus. The member portal is a powerful tool adding functionality to your fitness … More

Fitness Club Online Marketing Channels for Increasing Website Traffic

Wed, Mar 27, 2019

Finding the best combination to use for your fitness club online marketing campaigns is extremely important. Doing so can boost membership numbers and offer your club an attractive return on investment. There’s a plethora of digital marketing … More

Fitness Club Digital Marketing Tips to Get More out of your Member Portal

Thu, Mar 21, 2019

So, you club is organized with GymMaster and your member’s portal is installed. That’s great! BUT, something’s not quite right.. Why am I not getting enough bookings for classes or personal trainers through the portal? Why … More