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GymMaster Gym Software Manual

Tasks and Task Automation

Tasks are predefined actions or reminders that automate processes within GymMaster or prompt staff to perform specific actions.

Member Communication Task

When a member requires personal communication, a task can be generated to ensure the correct staff member is aware and follows through.
Completing this process through the Communication Tab within the member’s profile ensures a communcation log is maintained alongside existing communication history.

To add a Personal Member Communication task;

Go to Member Profile > Communication Tab

  • Select +Add

    • *A task created here will add personal communication task to member’s Communication Log
  • Select Add Task. Complete details;

    • Due Date
    • Task Type
      • Note, when automated task types are not required, use General Task
    • Description of task required
    • Assign Staff Member to complete Task
    • Save

Staff will be prompted to action via the Tasks page

Next - Staff Task Not in Regard to Members