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GymMaster Gym Software Manual

Getting Started

Your on-boarding training sessions can be booked here

Post Transfer

Post transfer you must check data transfer is accurate between old system to new system

Keep Local Copy

In the transfer process, there may be a delay between when the data was exported from your previous system to when we load it into GymMaster.
This delay may only be a few hours, or may be a few days.
In these cases, you need to make sure to keep a record of all changes or updates you make in the old system

These can include…

  • Adding new Prospects
  • Creating new Memberships
  • Cancelling Memberships
  • Putting members on Hold
    and more

When the transferred data is approved and GymMaster is ready to use, you must go in and manually make these updates in the system.

We would strongly recommend clients who are using integrated billing solutions;

  • Monitor billing for the first few billing runs
  • Run the Debtors and Direct Debit Exception reports on a regular basis
  • Run preview billing and check amounts and dates to be billed are correct for members in advance.

Events outside of GymMaster’s control can result in transfers being delayed or rescheduled.
It is the client’s responsibility to be aware of the process used and to have read the documentation provided.

Changes to the nature or material of the transfer can result in additional charges.
Requests for additional transfers can be charged for and may cost more than the original transfer.

Next - Frequently Asked Questions - Transfers