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GymMaster Gym Software Manual

Getting Started

Your on-boarding training sessions can be booked here

Advanced Configuration

Note: Take your time through this section. You may find some sections you need to refer back to later, and as you set up other GymMaster areas during on-boarding you may refer back to Advanced Configuration.
We can use on-boarding sessions to go over Advanced Configuration, ensuring your setup functions as needed

The majority of GymMaster settings are currently found within Advanced Configuration, and these settings will impact your database.

Take time to read through options; use the magnifying glass icon at the top to search for keywords.
Everything is categorized under different headers on the left menu.

Feel free to adjust settings, but if you’re unsure, use your on-boarding sessions to check through this area.

Watch short video overview GymMaster in a Minute - Advanced Configuration

Next setup the back-end of your member’s online access in Member Portal Configuration