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GymMaster Gym Software Manual

Bookings and Classes

This is the back-end of your Schedule. Set up your facilities, staff / trainers, classes and services to allow them to be scheduled and booked

Edit Trainer

To Add Trainer to Schedule

New Trainers are added via Setup Staff as Trainers.
They will then appear under Bookings and Classes on the Trainer page, where you can edit details to allow for booking and scheduling.

Edit Trainer - Add Trainer to Schedule

  • Go to Setting > Bookings and Classes > Trainers
    • Edit your Trainer setup by clicking on staff name or selected black edit icon
      • Edit name if required and apply staff category
      • The roster for your staff member will be selected by default
      • Select the Service categories your trainer is able to be booked for
        • If your service categories are not yet created, make note to return to this selection at a later point
  • Save

Staff / Trainers Complete
Next - Classes