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GymMaster Gym Software Manual

Bookings and Classes

This is the back-end of your Schedule. Set up your facilities, staff / trainers, classes and services to allow them to be scheduled and booked

Trainer Categories

Categories can be a useful tool for organizing your Trainers by group, making it easier to manage, view schedules, and generate reports.
For example, you might want to create broad groups like ‘Advanced Trainers’.

  • Go to Settings > Bookings and Classes > Trainers > Category List
    • Click on Add / Edit Category
    • Complete details
      • If you choose to use the default categories provided, make sure to Edit the Category by clicking on the black edit icon
        • This will ensure that the default options suit your specific requirements
  • Note, the Period setting refers to the time blocks that will be displayed on your schedule. For instance, selecting 15 minutes would allow you to book a class or service to any Trainer within that Category every 15 minutes from the top of the hour (e.g., 12:00pm, 12:15pm, 12:30pm, and so on)

Next - Edit Trainers