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The 6 Most Popular GymMaster Blog Posts of All Time

Dru Hill
Dru Hill
Published on Tue, Feb 20, 2018
top 6 blog posts of all time

As we settle into 2018, we wanted to take a look back at some of our most popular blogs over the years. These are the 6 popular read blogs from 2017, with some wonderfully relevant tips to keep your business on top! We love sharing informative, useful content that helps you run your fitness business.

1. What Pricing Strategy Should I Adopt for my Gym?

  The most popular story of all time, this blog post looks at the variety of pricing methodologies for your gym, paying particular attention to the pros and cons of bundling all services together into one price vs optional pricing, where each service is an add-on to the membership cost.

2. What Should I Sell in my Gym?

We look at some helpful tips on which items to sell in your gym, how to position them in your store, and also some best practises for inventory management and ordering stock. Selling items in your gym adds both a sense of convenience to your member experience, whilst also increasing your revenue.

3. Which Billing Provider is Right for Me?

We explore the four most common ways of getting paid in gyms. The simplest being cash at the desk and automatic payments. Partially integrated direct debits offer lower transaction costs but higher admin costs; versus fully integrated direct debits, where the admin time is minimal.

4. 6 Things To Look For When Hiring Gym Staff

Setting your expectations for your new staff can have a big impact on their performance. This article looks at 6 important factors to consider when looking for new trainers for your gym, and where to look for them.

5. The Power of Company Culture in Your Gym

The culture your business radiates is so important, yet so often it is left without attention. It affects your leaders, your staff, and most importantly, your members. This article asks you to look at different areas of your business that could be making or breaking your gym company culture.

6. Gym Member Retention Strategy: Onboarding New Members

Setting your members up for success happens the very second they step foot in the door. Here, you’ll find a checklist of five things to implement right now to ensure your members are going to find the results they are looking for, whilst providing you with the value of higher retention rates, members who are promoters of your business, and good measurements of your business’ achievements.   We’ll continue to deliver helpful blogs throughout 2018, so keep checking back for the latest answers to your pressing questions, feature spotlights and tips from professionals in the fitness industry.