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GymMaster Gym Software Manual

Rosters and Open Hours

Rosters are used to set availability of trainers and facilities in schedule and assign door access hours for staff and members

Trainer Rosters

Trainer Rosters are created automatically for any staff member who is added via Add Staff Member - Trainer Tab and designated as a Trainer and Staff Resource.
Once created, they need to be Edited to suit their schedule

Trainers are able to be scheduled for services, by themselves and by staff, based on their Rostered Hours.
Online bookable hours, allowing trainers to be booked by members via the Portal, can be added as required via the Schedule, using Make Time Available.

Note, their Roster may not reflect their actual expected working hours - this is an internal roster tied to the Schedule only

For example, if your Trainer;

  • Works at the club from 5am - 1pm
  • Only available for bookings between 5am - 12pm;
  • Can accept portal bookings anytime between 7am-10am
  • Their last hour 12pm - 1pm is spent doing admin / clean up
    Their Roster would be setup like this;
    • Trainer Roster (Roster and Open Hours) set to 5am - 12pm (pick end time of their last booking)
    • Add Make Time Available via the Schedule, between 7am - 10am.
      • Allows members to book your trainer via the Portal between these times
    • Their admin / clean up time is not included within this roster

Once hours are set in Roster and Open Hours, check all scheduling rules for your trainer are correct under Booking and Classes > Staff / Trainers, before going to the Schedule to book services to your trainer.

See Edit Roster to learn how to adjust times within a Roster

Please note:

  • 0:00am’ refers to midnight at the beginning of the day
  • 12:00am’ refers to midnight at the end of the day
  • Available selections are in 30min time periods; can be overwritten directly
  • Take care to select correct AM and PM time

Next - Resource Rosters