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GymMaster Gym Software Manual

Rosters and Open Hours

Rosters are used to set availability of trainers and facilities in schedule and assign door access hours for staff and members

Add Roster

Go to the Settings > Roster and Open Hours* menu

  • GymMaster comes with pre-loaded Open Hours / Off-Peak Hours rosters.
    • You can Edit these rosters to match your gym’s specific operating hours
    • Member access to your gym will generally be based on your Open Hours roster, unless otherwise specified
  • A default Trainer Roster will be added automatically for any staff member who is designated Is a Trainer and Staff Resource
    • Once a Trainer has their roster set, they will be able to be booked by staff based on their rostered hours

Additional rosters can be added for Doors and Resources.

To Add Roster

Go to Settings > Roster and Open Hours

  • Select Add
    • Door Rosters are used to define access hours for Members through a specific door
    • Resource Rosters can be used to set the hours of availability of a Facility in the Schedule; the hours within which it can be booked for classes or services.
      • Apply roster to your Facilities under Bookings and Classes > Facilities > Add Facility
    • Trainer Rosters will be added automatically for any staff member who is added via User Administration > Add Staff Member - Trainer Tab and designated as a Trainer and Staff Resource
      • Once a Trainer has their Roster set, they will be able to be booked via schedule based on their rostered hours
      • Available bookable hours can be adjusted as required via the Make Time Available

Please note:

  • 0:00am’ refers to midnight at the beginning of the day
  • 12:00am’ refers to midnight at the end of the day
  • Available selections are in 30min time periods; can be overwritten directly
  • Take care to select correct AM and PM time

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