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GymMaster Gym Software Manual


Billing is the process of handling automated and manual financial transactions related to membership payments.

Setup Billing

Step Two

  • Go to Reports & Till > Billing > Billing Setup

Billing Credentials

  • Select Automatic or Manual Billing

    • Automatic Billing is advised
    • You may choose to temporarily select Manual Billing while setting up your automated Billing process
  • Enter Billing Details

    • Once you have your Billing Provider/s, you will require API details
      • API details should be emailed to you by your Billing Provider; check your emails
      • Some Billing Providers will send API details to GymMaster staff - in which case we till input details for you
      • Contact your Billing Provider if you are unable to locate your API details
    • Most businesses will only require one billing provider, however you can add more if required
      • Simply select a new billing provider in dropdown box
      • Details of previous providers will be saved
  • Select Member Portal billing providers

    • Once you have input API details, select which billing providers you wish to use for paid in full and recurring billing
    • This selection will come down to personal choice. Take into consideration the transaction fees of your billing providers

Billing Settings

  • Enable / disable various billing settings in GymMaster
  • Check through both Advanced Configuration / Member Portal Configuration tabs carefully

Billing Providers

  • There should be no need to make adjustments to these settings in most cases

  • This step is only necessary if your selected Billing Provider did not appear in your drop-down list in Billing Details

  • It is not necessary to disable unused providers

  • To learn more see Financial Configuration - Billing Providers

Next Step - Add Member Billing Details