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Why all-in-1 gym software is better than separate software systems to run your gym

Dru Hill
Dru Hill
Published on Tue, Mar 12, 2024
woman doing excercise

As the owner of a health and wellness business, there is a good chance you are making use of several well-known small business software solutions. While these systems perform the job they were intended to, managing multiple systems at once can be a real headache for gym owners, and one that is completely unnecessary. In this article, we will review the advantages of consolidating your software systems, as well as give our recommendation on what you can use instead.

Five Reasons to Choose an All-in-One Gym Software Over Combining Multiple Separate Software

Swapping your gym software stack for one single system saves you money

Investing in a single gym software will be significantly cheaper than investing in several different systems. Although the subscriptions you have might not seem like a lot—what is $15 here and $20 there, right?—But in reality, these numbers start to add up, especially over the course of several years. There is gym management software that covers all the areas of your business that would otherwise have you shelling out money for multiple subscriptions.

The right system should include CRM, a POS system, payment processing, 24/7 fob access to your facility, and more. And there are options out there that do all of this for as little as $89 per month. When you take into account the different prices of each of these individual systems:

  • MailChimp standard plan = $17/mo
  • Member management plan = $136-300+/mo
  • Square payment processing = between 2.6% + 10¢ and 3.5% + 15¢ per payment
  • 24/7 access = $50-$200 per month

All of a sudden $89 for all of these features—plus more—is looking like an absolute steal from a true all-in-one gym software system.

Gym Software Saves Time

To actually understand and learn how to make use of all of the features of multiple software systems takes a lot of time. It involves not only investing time into understanding these features yourself but then also requires passing this knowledge along to your staff members.

Having a more simplified solution means spending less time figuring out the nuances of your software while maximizing the performance potential. Making use of a single system can also help you move towards automating more of your business through cohesion of your separate systems. This reduces the need to perform redundant tasks once and for all and can help empower your employees through the ease of their improved processes.

Not to mention that greater organization through consolidation of your systems means that there is less room for human error—which is a definite time, morale and gym member experience killer.

Boost productivity with your gym management system

Seamless integration between the various systems involved in your business and the move towards automation can help you cut back on wasted time. Enlist the help of a gym software system that can take care of the day-to-day tasks that would generally be done by your front desk staff. Things like integrating your keyless entry system to revoke access to members whose membership has expired, sending automatic reminders about upcoming bookings, and allowing users to sign and pay for classes online can and should be managed through a single system.

Freeing up not only your time but the time of your front desk staff can help you focus energy where it matters—on things like improving customer experience, creating marketing campaigns, and getting involved in the community.

Boosting productivity through the streamlining of your processes is a great way to improve the admin of your gym and give yourself the time and energy to make improvements where it matters most.

Improves Customer Experience

Having a single customer view—meaning that you hold all of the information about a customer in a single place—is one of the best ways for a company to improve customer experience. This is because there will never be a lapse of information about your clients. You are aware of the membership-type they purchase, the classes they enjoy attending, which promotions they like to take advantage of, and more. And because of this, you can understand the customer journey and keep it seamless from start to finish.

Running your gym from an all in one gym software instead of multiple desparate systems means that members only need to sign up and create accounts from one system, have one single gym member app on their phone for PT and class bookings, door access, membership management, PTs and club communications. In essence, instead of confusing clients with separate systems, expecting them to learn and use each separately–they have one go-to interface for it all.

Helps to Streamline Your Software Support Needs

Choosing one simple gym software system to run everything has other benefits outside of the individual features, efficiency gains, and improved interconnectivity–such as improved customer support and peace of mind your business is in the right hands.

Having separate systems interconnected not only means theres more opportunity for error and things to break, it also means that when this does happen, you have not one single point of contact to deal with to get things going right again. This is particularly stressful if it’s a crucial issue, like communications to your members, billing members, or controlling access to your gym doors.

Having an all-in-one gym software that takes care of everything means you have one dedicated account manager, one support team to deal with and one phone number to ring if anything goes wrong. In essence, you can trust your business is in the safe hands, and a consistent experience every time without having to repeat yourself to multiple separate parties.

Bottom Line

Finding a gym software that caters to the unique needs of your business can have ample benefits, helping you to save on overhead costs, streamline your processes, and can even have positive benefits on business performance and customer experience. Not all gym software is made the same, and making use of a software solution to solve all of your management problems can help set you up for success in running your business. If you’re interested in learning about one that ticks all of the above boxes, click here to learn about this all in one gym software system.