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GymMaster Gym Software Manual

Rosters and Open Hours

Rosters are used to set availability of trainers and facilities in schedule and assign door access hours for staff and members

Edit Roster

  • Scroll to find your required roster
    • Begin with the Start Time on Monday
      • Click and select time, eg 4:30am
      • Continue to End Time, Monday, eg 9:30pm
    • If times are similar per day, select the blue duplicate hours icon under the roster, and edit as required
    • For non-rostered days select N/A in both Start and End times
  • Save

Please note:

  • 0:00am’ refers to midnight at the beginning of the day
  • 12:00am’ refers to midnight at the end of the day
  • Available selections are in 30min time periods; can be overwritten directly
  • Take care to select correct AM and PM time

Next - Add Breaks in Roster