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GymMaster Gym Software Manual

Membership Types

Memberships are agreements between gym and your members, providing members access to your gym, services and classes in return for payment

Sell Membership Online

Enabling this section will allow potential members to purchase this membership via your Online Sign-up page.

To make membership available for sale online, select Enable Online Sign-Up

  • Use Fixed Period option when offering online purchase for a limited time period
  • Select Pay Later to allow members to complete sign-up process online without immediate payment
  • Choose Allow Renewal Online to enable members to renew their membership easily online
    • Valid for specific memberships only
    • If there is any change in the membership fee, you can set a new fee using the Renew Online Price feature

In example below, membership can be purchased online. It is available for new members only, and must be purchased within the month of December.
Payment can be deferred until member first arrives to gym in person.

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