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GymMaster Gym Software Manual

Member Page

Manual tasks related to members can be managed through the different tabs within each member’s page

Stop on Owe

Prevent entry to gym when fees are unpaid.
Define how long fees can be overdue, and by how much, before gym entry is blocked.

  • Go to Settings > Advanced Configuration

    • Select Doors and Readers
  • Configure the following options;

    • Stop After Owe - Time - Select maximum time period member can owe fees and maintain access to gym
      • After this period, access to gym will be suspended.
        Some time is required in the case of suspensions and handling delays for billing to occur
    • Stop After Owe - Amount - Select maximum amount member can owe fees and maintain access to gym
      • After this period, access to gym and capcity to make bookings will be suspended
    • Warning on Owe - Display on-screen warning to staff indicating member entering gym owing over certain amount
      • This warning may appear before member reaches point of membership suspension

Next - Stop at Door