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GymMaster Gym Software Manual

Member Page

Manual tasks related to members can be managed through the different tabs within each member’s page

Apply Manual Hold

Go to Find Member > Member Details > Membership Tab

  • Select Hold Membership

Select Membership/s you wish to add hold

  • Add Reason for hold (optional)
  • Select Start date of hold
  • Select End Date OR Duration of hold
  • Select fee for adding hold;
    • Free
    • Setup Cost
    • Ongoing Fee
    • Continue Regular Billing
  • Enable End Hold on Member Return to end the hold earlier than the selected end date if the member returns before the hold period is over
  • Select Prorata Membership Fees to charge the member a proportional part of the fees based on the timing of the hold
  • Enable Disable New Bookings and Classes to prevent the member from enrolling in classes and bookings during the hold period
  • Save

Manual Holds Complete
Next - Online Holds