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GymMaster Gym Software Manual

Forms and Waivers

Use forms to ensure necessary documentation is in place to assist smooth and clear sign-up process

Waivers and questionnaires can be linked to a class / service, requiring member to complete form upon booking

Enable Booking Questionnaires

To allow questionnaires to be attached and completed upon registration for a class;

Go to Advanced Configuration > Bookings;

To require member to fill questionnaire on first booking only, enable this under Advanced Configuration > Member Portal Configuration > Bookings;

  • Go to Bookings and Classes > Add / Edit Class OR Add / Edit Service > Online Booking
    • Click on field to select waiver and / or questionnaire
      • Select form to attach to class / service
  • Save

When member makes a booking, they will be prompted to complete form online via Member Portal, if this feature is enabled.
If form is not completed online, staff can prompt member to sign it when they check in for the class.
Once waivers and questionnaires are completed they will be stored under Member Details > Communication tab

Next - Link Forms to Membership