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GymMaster Gym Software Manual

Club Details

Add club/s to GymMaster, and setup the details of your business.

Member Portal

See Member Portal for full member Portal setup details

  • Online Sign-Up Redirect URL
  • Paid in full Billing Provider
    • Billing providers charge different rates, consider a combination of billing providers
  • Recurring Billing Provider
    • Billing providers charge different rates, consider a combination of billing providers
      Note - BOTH Billing Provider fields above must be filled, even if provider selected is identical
  • Club Notices
    • See Club Notices for full setup instructions
    • Club notices are displayed in a short banner at the top of the member portal and app
    • They are visible to all members and serve as a way to share important information
    • Each club can have its own specific notice, allowing for customization
    • Notices can include text, URLs, and images, but it’s advisable to keep them concise and test them on the app to ensure they don’t occupy too much screen space

Billing Providers in image below selected as examples only

Next - Member App