After a number of enquiries from our clients, we are pleased to announce that we have added the capability for you to use your GymMaster software in conjunction with one of the world’s most popular automation tools - Zapier. Click here to accept your invite to use the new GymMaster - Zapier integration

Zapier is a web-based service allowing users to integrate their apps and other software with one-another. Want all of your starred emails to automatically be added to your to-do list? Done. Want to automatically backup a copy of all your incoming calls to a spreadsheet? That can be done too. This new ability for our software to be used with Zapier offers you endless opportunities. Not only to save your precious time and effort but also to provide an even better quality of service to your customers. To get you started, here’s four ideas for how you can use these new found capabilities with GymMaster.
- Club competitions in a few clicks - Use Formatter’s random number generator with your Current Members report.
- Easy Facebook Prospects - Link leads from Facebook Leads Ads to your existing Prospects report (or another custom report).
- Remind yourself of classes - Connect your Todoist account and your GymMaster schedule to add your class as a task.
- Inform staff of new members - Link Slack with GymMaster to send a message in your workplace group notifying everyone of a new member being signed up.
There’s still a TON of other options for you to integrate your apps with GymMaster. Click here if you want a few more ideas of how you can use this helpful app to boost your gym’s productivity. Related Article: Setting up GymMaster with your Zapier Account