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GymMaster Gym Software Manual


Stock refers to the inventory of products or items that your gym currently has available for sale.

Input Delivery

Whenever your business receives inventory from suppliers and you want to monitor stock levels, update inventory via Input Stock Delivery.

  • Go to Stock > Input Stock Delivery > Add New Product Purchase

Product Info

  • Complete relevant fields;

    • Purchased At - date / time order was made
    • Purchase for Club - stock will be updated to selected club’s inventory
    • Invoice No - add invoice number from supplier
    • Supplier - Select Supplier order has been received from
    • Delivered At - Record date / time of delivery
    • Shipping - Shipping costs till be added to Stock Value amount (full purchase value including tax)
    • Stock Value - Based on full purchase value of stock, including shipping and tax. Automatically calculated

Filter and Products

Filtering will help you easily find the products listed

  • Supplier - Filter by Supplier, displaying their products only. Recommended
  • Product Type - Filter stock by Product Type. Optional
  • Search Product - Search for specific Product. Optional
  • Quantity - Add quantity received per product
    Adjust your filters as you navigate through your received orders with no loss of stock quantity additions
  • Sub-Total Cost - Added to Stock Value in Product Info section above
  • Save

Stock Complete