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GymMaster Gym Software Manual

Member Page

Manual tasks related to members can be managed through the different tabs within each member’s page

View Booking

View Bookings allows you to see bookings history per member. View;

  • All Bookings - All prior and future bookings
  • Upcoming and Past Bookings - Prior and approaching bookings, limited to 2 weeks in advance
  • Future Bookings - All future bookings

Booking record includes;

  • Trainer / Facility and Service / Class
  • Status
    • Booking - Future booking. Yellow color on left indicates future booking
    • Showed - Past booking, member arrived for booking on time. Green color on left indicates member attended booking
    • Showed Late - Past booking, member arrived late for booking. Green color on left indicates member attended booking
    • No Show - Past booking, member did not arrive for booking, no cancellation was made. Red color on left indicates member did not attend booking
    • Cancelled - Past booking, member cancelled prior to booking commencing. Red color on left indicates member did not attend booking
  • Membership Used - Indicates if/which Membership / Pack used with booking
  • Price - Indicates amount member paid / expected to pay. Membership Benefits may provide free / discounted rate
  • Paid - Indicates whether booking has been paid or is awaiting payment
  • Check-In - Indicates whether member has checked in for booking
  • Action
    • Edit - Allows editing of price only
    • Edit Booking - takes you to;
      • Class Booking - Alter status, cancel class booking
      • Service Booking - Alter service date / time, status, cancel service booking

Next - Cancel Booking