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GymMaster Gym Software Manual

Manage Members


Side Menu

  • Check-in - use to manually check member into the gym
  • Make Booking - book member in for Personal Training Session or other service
  • Make Purchase - this will take you to Point of Sale

Member Actions

Linked Members

Linking Members allows one member the option to pay for the memberships of another member.
This feature can be useful for families, where a parent may pay for the membership of their children, or for couples where one partner pays for both memberships.

  • Find member who will be the Primary Member; the member who will pay for other accounts
    • Go to Member Actions link on left Side Menu of Member Details page
      • Select Linked Members
    • Add link between members
      • Search existing member to link, or
      • Add Member
      • Choose which charges the Primary Member will pay, and whether to combine invoices for both members
  • Save

In example below the primary member has one member linked to their account. Additional links can be made. The primary member is responsible for covering selected costs for all linked members

Manage Member Memberships
Manage Member Accounts and Billing
Manage Member Communication

Manage Members