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GymMaster Gym Software Manual

Manage Members

Manage Members


Communication includes emails, SMS, call logs, contracts, waivers, questionnaires, notes and awards.

Send Individual Email / SMS to Member

Many of your communications can be automated through use of your Templates and Templates pages.

To send a one-off individual message to a member;

  • Go to Member Details > Communication tab
  • Select Email Icon or SMS Icon
  • Send

Communication Log

All communications are stored within each member’s Communication Log.
Communication includes emails, SMS, call logs, contracts, waivers, questionnaires, notes and awards.

  • Go to Member Details > Communication tab
    • View date, communication subject, sender, and status of communication
    • Use blue tabs on right to open and provide more information on selected communication
    • Use Search bar to search for specific communication
    • Use Filters to narrow down search to specific communication type

Add to Communication Log

In-person communications and paperwork can be added to your member’s communication log.

  • Go to Member Details > Communication tab

  • Select Add

  • Select;

    • Add Note - note will be stored in communication log
    • Add Task - assign task specific to member. For example, add Communication Task to assign a staff member to contact member
    • Add Call Log - staff can log all calls made to member for accurate communication history
    • Upload Files - paperwork, signed paper contracts, waivers and so forth can be scanned / photographed and uploaded into members communication log
  • Save


See Awards

Accounts and Billing