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GymMaster Gym Software Manual

Financial Configuration

Customize and manage the financial aspects of your club, ensuring smooth financial processes for gym and members.

Apply Tax Rates

Once your tax rates are created in Financial Configuration, they can be applied to your products and services;

Tax rates are applied throughout GymMaster;

  • Memberships - apply tax rates via Membership Types > Membership Categories
  • Class Bookings - apply tax rates via Bookings and Classes > Classes > Class Categories
  • Service Bookings - apply tax rates via Bookings and Classes > Services > Service Categories
  • Products - apply tax rates via Products
  • Maintenance Fee - apply tax rate via Club Details > Maintenance Fee
  • General Sale - apply tax rate via Financial Configuration > Tax Rates
  • Miscellaneous - apply tax rate via Financial Configuration > Tax Rates

If setting up GymMaster for the first time - you will apply these tax rates naturally as you move through setting up each section

Tax Rates Complete
Next - Billing