GymMaster Logo

GymMaster Gym Software Manual

Club Details

Add club/s to GymMaster, and setup the details of your business.

Logos and Graphics

Logos and graphics entered here will be used by GymMaster in relevant areas;

  • Club logo

  • Invoice/receipt logo

  • Favicon

    • Small 16×16 pixel icon that appears at the top of a web browser. It serves as branding for your website and a convenient way for visitors to locate your page when they have multiple tabs open. Because of their tiny size, favicons work best as simple images or one-to-three characters of text. At this time, you are only able to replace the GymMaster Online favicon, not GymMaster Member Portal
  • Club signature

Create Club Email Template

  • This is your clubs visual template,setting the header, footer, color scheme for background
  • All written email templates will be presented within this visual format
  • You can personalize your template further by adding images and text
  • Learn how to create your written email templates under Email Templates.

Next - Common Details