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GymMaster Gym Software Manual

Member App

The GymMaster Member App gives your members the ability to access the Member Portal via their smartphone or tablet.
Via the Member Portal they can view your timetable, book into classes and make bookings with your trainers, and update their personal information.

Customize App Memberships

Select how your memberships are presented for purchase on the Member App;

  • Display memberships by group
  • Display memberships by payment frequency
  • Display memberships with color
  • Display renew membership option for expiring memberships
  • Go to Member Portal Configuration > Membership for additional settings

Display Memberships by Group

If you have a number of memberships available online, you may wish to group or memberships;

  • Filter memberships into groups using Membership Categories
    • For example divide memberships into Adult Memberships and Senior Memberships
    • There is no limit to the number of categories you can use
    • Each membership can belong to one category only
  • Category names will be used as headers online to separate membership groups
    • Use Sort Order when creating your Categories to select which order groups are displayed
      Default is alphabetical

In example to the right, gym divided their memberships into two categories; Adult and Senior Memberships. They are providing 3 adult memberships, and 1 senior membership to choose from.

Display Memberships by Payment Frequency

In addition to your Membership Category grouping above, you can select for your memberships within each group to be displayed by Payment Frequency.
Once Multi-Step Membership List is enabled, memberships will be displayed by Category first, then Payment Frequency, alphabetically.

  • To enable this option go to Settings > Advanced Configuration > Member Portal Configuration > Membership > Multi-Step Membership List
  • Note, wording used online for payment frequency (weekly, fortnightly, monthly) can be customized under Member Portal Configuration > Memberships*

Display Memberships with Color

When you create your Membership Types you can also select their background color.
Click on the default color bar to select a new color. If desired color isn’t displayed, select Custom + to select from a broader range.

Display Renew Membership Option

As membership approaches term, you can allow members to renew their memberships online.
To add this option to the App, be sure the following steps are complete.

Step 1

Create / edit Membership Types

  • Under Sell Membership Online, select
  • Allow Renewal Online
    • Select to renew at original price OR set renewal online price

Step 2

Go to Advanced Configuration > Membership to select;

  • Membership Renewal - Concessions - how many concessions remaining for renew option to become available for members
  • Membership Renewal - Time - how long before membership ends for renew option to become available for members

Step 3

Enable renew option on App;

  • Go to Home > Dashboard > Customize Member App
    • Enable Ending Memberships option

Additional Membership Settings

See Member Portal Membership for further settings relating to memberships within the Member App / Portal

Customize App

Customize App Menu
Customize App Bookings and Classes
Customize App Colors
Customize App Widgets
Custom App and Branding
Customize Member App

Member App
Member Portal