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7 Reasons You Need An Online Member Portal

Dru Hill
Dru Hill
Published on Thu, Mar 3, 2016

GymMaster Online
What kind of online experience do you offer your members? Efficiency and convenience govern our preferences in this digital age, where information at our fingertips is becoming an expectation rather than a bonus. A member portal on your website is a fantastic way to ramp up your member engagement; and it has plenty of benefits for you, too!

  • Freedom to book into classes on the go

Let your members book into classes, PT sessions and even childcare from anywhere, at any time. Allow your members a new sense of freedom to make their fitness a priority in their life.

  • Catch them when they’re feeling inspired

Your member wants to try something new? No worries! Make it easy for your members to sign up for boot camp, buy a concession pass or renew their membership.

  • Right where you need it, how you need it

Embed your online portal into your own website, in your own style and colors. When it comes to design, consistency is key. When it comes to administration, less is best - and with GymMaster, the online portal automatically updates the schedule directly from the software. Easy!

  • Improving the conversion process

Online enquiries are a safe way for non members to express interest in your facility. Track their information into your lead system for your team to follow up with a friendly personalized phone call, or invite them in for a tour. By gaining more information online, you can utilize the data to measure your market for future marketing promotions, too.

  • Even better, they can convert themselves!

Your leads do their research online; why not let them sign up and set up their payments online, too?

  • Lucky member, they’re heading away for the week

And they need to suspend their membership. It doesn’t have to be a hassle for them, or you. A simple one off fee, payable on the online portal, means they could put themselves on ‘hold’ even if they’re sitting on a beach in the Caribbean!

  • Reducing your administration time even further

Contact details change, it’s inevitable. Allowing your members the ability to update their contact information ensures maximum engagement from your end, and means they don’t have to call up or try and remember when they hit the gym next. GymMaster’s Online Portal gives you and your members a better experience by reducing your administrative time and increasing convenience for your members, making it easier than ever to increase your membership base by making use of our ever evolving need to be connected.