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5 ways a membership management system will cut gym admin

Dru Hill
Dru Hill
Published on Mon, May 23, 2022

For any gym enterprise, one of the best solutions to cutting gym admin is by harnessing the power of membership management software. Interest in the system is rapidly growing due to its productivity-boosting and cost-effective nature.

You may be contemplating if you should avail of a membership management system to scale your gym business up and we are here to help you weigh your options. In this article, let’s round up the key benefits of having this software in place.

5 Ways a Membership Management System Can Cut Admin and Improve Your Gym’s Bottom Line

1. Members can sign themselves up

With paperless online contracts, you can save not only time but also operational costs and space. Just imagine having multiple members signing up on paper. The time and human resources it takes to assist them, enter the data into the computer, and keep these physical records can strain your gym’s productivity.

With membership management software, members can sign themselves up with no assistance. This cuts administrative work significantly. Also, all membership records, contracts, and waivers are stored in the system and are accessible with just a few clicks. This saves you and your staff time, space, and overall cost.

2. Members can check in to classes upon entry to the facility

Monitoring, maintaining records, and checking each member in a class or training session is an important task for the admins. But manually doing so can be in vain, especially when there are other time-saving options available for you.

Gym automation can help admin reclaim more time by automatically checking-in members into their booking upon entry to your facility to eliminate the manual labor the task requires.

3. The system can bill members automatically

Billing members, especially as the membership count grows, can be tricky. Manually creating billing letters and sending them out to everyone is subject to human error and confusion. And billing errors can negatively impact not only your income but also the overall customer experience.

A gym automation software can help simplify the whole process for you and your members. The system can create the bills seamlessly and send them accordingly with minimal effort from the admin. Notifications and recollection of failed payments can also be done automatically. On top of those, gym automation also can boost customer experience by allowing members to conveniently pay online.

4. Track attendance easily

Gone are the days when you’re left with no choice but to leave an attendance sheet on the front desk where your members sign in upon entry. Over time, members can just opt to skip that step especially if they’re running late for their booked class or if they have some other things to attend to.

With gym membership management software in place, attendance can be tracked without the admin lifting any finger. The system also takes the attendance record and turns it into something useful for you and the trainers. It can report attendance stats that can help in the performance and outcome assessment of your members

5. Automatic follow-up on bad debtors

One of the most difficult administrative tasks of any enterprise is following up on bad debtors. The time and effort it takes to contact each one of them takes away precious time which can otherwise be utilized for business-growing measures. Although it is a tedious and almost unpleasant task, it has to be done to secure your gym’s income.

But you are not without a choice. A gym membership management system can send debt collection reminders via e-mail and SMS automatically if the system detects that a member missed a payment. It can also notify and flag a bad debtor and also block his/her access to your fitness facility. You can also pre-set the debt threshold the system will require before auto-locking the doors. This takes away the stress from you and your staff while also helping your business reduce bad debtors.


By availing and utilizing a gym membership management software, the laborious tasks enumerated above can be done with just a few clicks, if any. All you have to do is put the system in place, and customize the software based on your preference, and it will do all these for you.

The time, space, and resources gym automation can give back to you can help you reduce administrative staff, thus, increasing your gym business’ bottom line. Moreover, membership management software can help you redirect all your resources to other tasks that can otherwise boost productivity and overall income.