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The Ultimate Guide to Gym Website and App Setup for Smarter Gym Management

Dru Hill
Dru Hill
Published on Fri, Mar 10, 2023
Gym website user

As a gym owner, having a website and an app is crucial in today’s digital age. Not only does it allow you to showcase your gym and attract new members, but it also enables you to manage your gym more efficiently.

In this article, we’ll be providing gym owners with valuable insights on creating a website and app, running virtual classes, creating good website content, maintaining their online presence, and best practices for gym website setup. Whether you’re a new gym owner looking to establish your online presence or an established gym looking to optimize your digital strategy, this guide has everything you need to know to set up your gym website and app for smarter gym management.

Let’s dive in!

Creating a Gym Website

A gym website is an essential tool for any gym owner looking to attract new members and provide a convenient way for existing members to stay up-to-date with gym information. Here are the key elements that every gym website should have:

  • Homepage: The homepage should provide a brief overview of your gym, including your gym’s mission statement, gym location, and gym hours. It should also have clear calls-to-action for signing up for memberships and booking classes.
  • Membership Information: This section should provide detailed information on the different membership options available, including pricing, gym amenities, and membership benefits. It should also have a membership sign-up form for new members to join.
  • Class Schedules: Displaying class schedules on your website is essential for keeping members informed and encouraging class bookings. Ensure that the schedules are up-to-date and that members can easily book a class through the website.
  • Contact Information: This section should include your gym’s address, phone number, email address, and social media links. Make sure that your contact information is easy to find and that your gym staff is responsive to inquiries.

When designing your gym website, it’s important to create a user-friendly and visually appealing experience for your members. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Keep it simple: A clean and minimalist design is often more effective than a cluttered website. Keep the design simple, with a clear focus on the most important elements.
  • Use high-quality images: Use high-quality images that showcase your gym and its amenities. Avoid using stock photos as much as possible.
  • Make it mobile-friendly: Ensure that your website is mobile-friendly, as many members will be accessing your site through their phones. A responsive design is key.

By following these tips and including the key elements of a gym website, you’ll be on your way to creating a website that effectively promotes your gym and engages your members.

Linking Your Gym Website to Your CRM

Linking your gym website to your CRM (customer relationship management) system is crucial for effective membership management. By integrating your website and CRM, you’ll be able to streamline the membership sign-up process, automate billing, and simplify communication with your members.

Benefits of Linking Your Gym Website to Your CRM

  • Streamline membership sign-ups: By linking your website to your CRM, you can make it easier for members to sign up for memberships online. This can reduce the workload for your gym staff and provide a more convenient experience for your members.
  • Automate billing: Linking your website to your CRM can automate the billing process, ensuring that members are billed on time and reducing the risk of errors.
  • Simplify communication: By integrating your website and CRM, you can centralize communication with your members, making it easier to keep them informed about gym updates and promotions.
  1. Choose a gym CRM system that integrates with your website. GymMaster is an all-in-one gym management software that offers a mobile app and website portal for gym members to interact with the club for bookings, door access, and communicating with the club.
  2. Follow the instructions provided by your gym CRM to set up the integration. GymMaster provides code snippets that can be included anywhere on your website to allow members to sign up for memberships and book classes.

By linking your gym website to your CRM, you’ll be able to manage your gym more efficiently and provide a better experience for your members. For more information on setting up GymMaster’s online module, visit here.

Cost of Creating and Maintaining a Gym Website

Creating and maintaining a gym website can vary in cost depending on several factors, such as design complexity, the number of pages, and the features required. Here are some of the factors that can affect the cost of creating a gym website:

  • Design complexity: The complexity of the design can have a significant impact on the cost of creating a gym website. A more complex design with custom graphics and animations will require more work, which will increase the cost.
  • Number of pages: The number of pages on your website will also impact the cost. A larger website with more pages will take more time to create, which will increase the cost.
  • Features required: The features required for your gym website will also affect the cost. For example, if you want to include an online booking system or a members-only portal, this will require more development work, which will increase the cost.

Based on these factors, the cost of creating a gym website can range from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars. Here are some estimates for the average cost of creating a gym website, based on different levels of complexity:

  • Simple Website: A simple gym website with a basic design and a few pages can cost between $500 and $1,500.
  • Medium Website: A medium-sized gym website with a more complex design and more pages can cost between $1,500 and $3,500.
  • Complex Website: A complex gym website with custom features and a highly detailed design can cost upwards of $3,500.

In addition to the initial cost of creating a gym website, there are ongoing costs to consider as well. These include web hosting fees, software updates, and ongoing maintenance. On average, the cost of maintaining a gym website can range from $50 to $200 per month, depending on the size and complexity of the website.

Overall, the cost of creating and maintaining a gym website can vary widely, depending on your specific needs and requirements. However, investing in a high-quality website can help you attract new members, provide a better experience for existing members, and streamline your gym management processes.

Virtual Gym Classes on Your Website

Offering virtual gym classes through your gym website can provide a host of benefits for both gym owners and members. Here are some of the benefits of offering virtual gym classes through a gym website:

  • Increased member engagement: By offering virtual classes, you can increase member engagement and encourage members to participate in more classes. This can help to increase member retention and satisfaction.
  • Additional revenue streams: Virtual classes can also provide additional revenue streams for your gym, as you can offer classes to members who may not be able to attend in-person classes.
  • Wider audience reach: Virtual classes can also help you to reach a wider audience, as members can join classes from anywhere in the world.

To set up virtual gym classes on your website, follow these tips:

  1. Select a video conferencing platform: Choose a video conferencing platform that is easy to use and provides high-quality video and audio. Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet are popular options for virtual classes.
  2. Create a schedule: Create a schedule for your virtual classes and make sure it is clearly visible on your website. Be sure to include information about the class format, equipment needed, and any other relevant information.
  3. Promote the classes: Promote your virtual classes to your members through email, social media, and your website. Encourage members to sign up in advance to ensure they have a spot in the class.
  4. Prepare your instructors: Make sure your instructors are comfortable with teaching virtual classes and that they have the necessary equipment and internet connection to deliver high-quality classes.

By following these tips, you can set up virtual gym classes on your website and provide a convenient and engaging experience for your members.

Hiring Someone to Run Your Gym Website

As a gym owner, you may be wondering whether it’s better to hire a professional to run your gym website or to do it yourself. Here are some pros and cons to consider:

Pros of hiring a professional:

  • Expertise: A professional website developer or designer will have the expertise and experience necessary to create a high-quality website that meets your specific needs and requirements.
  • Time-saving: Hiring a professional can save you time, as they will be able to create and maintain your website quickly and efficiently, leaving you free to focus on other aspects of your gym.
  • Customization: A professional can create a customized website that reflects the unique brand and personality of your gym.

Cons of hiring a professional:

  • Cost: Hiring a professional can be expensive, particularly if you are looking for a high-quality, customized website.
  • Lack of control: If you hire someone to run your gym website, you may have less control over the website design and content.

If you do decide to hire a professional to create and maintain your gym website, here are some estimates for the average cost:

  • Website Designer: The cost of hiring a website designer to create a custom gym website can range from $2,000 to $10,000 or more, depending on the level of complexity.
  • Website Developer: The cost of hiring a website developer to build and maintain your gym website can range from $75 to $200 per hour, depending on the level of expertise required.

Overall, whether to hire a professional to run your gym website or to do it yourself will depend on your specific needs and budget. If you have the time and expertise to create and maintain a high-quality website, doing it yourself can be a cost-effective solution. However, if you want a customized, professional-looking website that can provide a seamless experience for your members, hiring a professional may be the way to go.

Gym App vs. Gym Website

As a gym owner, you may be wondering whether you should invest in a gym app or a gym website, or both. Here are the differences between the two, along with their features and benefits:

Gym App:

A gym app is a mobile application that can be downloaded and installed on a smartphone. Here are some of the features and benefits of a gym app:

  • Push notifications: Gym apps can send push notifications to members, alerting them about new classes, promotions, and other gym-related news.
  • Class bookings: Members can use the app to book classes and manage their schedules.
  • Door access: Some gym apps also provide door access through the app, allowing members to enter the gym without the need for a physical key or membership card.

Gym Website:

A gym website is a website that can be accessed through a web browser on a computer or mobile device. Here are some of the features and benefits of a gym website:

  • Membership sign-up: Members can sign up for memberships and manage their billing information through the website.
  • Class bookings: Members can book classes and manage their schedules through the website.
  • Online community: A gym website can provide a forum for members to communicate with each other and share their experiences.

Pros and Cons:

Here are some pros and cons to consider when deciding between a gym app and a gym website:

Pros of a Gym App:

  • Convenience: A gym app is more convenient for members, as it provides access to gym features and functions directly on their smartphone.
  • Engagement: Push notifications can help increase member engagement by keeping them informed about new classes and promotions.
  • Accessibility: Door access through the app provides a convenient and secure way for members to enter the gym.

Cons of a Gym App:

  • Cost: Developing a gym app can be expensive, particularly if you want a customized app with advanced features.
  • Limited audience: A gym app is only accessible to members who have downloaded and installed the app.

Pros of a Gym Website:

  • Cost-effective: A gym website is generally more cost-effective than a gym app.
  • Wider audience: A gym website can be accessed by anyone with an internet connection, which can help to attract new members.
  • Community building: A gym website can provide a forum for members to communicate with each other and share their experiences.

Cons of a Gym Website:

  • Less convenient: A gym website may be less convenient for members, as they need to access it through a web browser rather than a dedicated app.
  • Less engagement: A gym website may be less engaging than a gym app, as it does not provide push notifications or door access.

Overall, whether to invest in a gym app or a gym website, or both, will depend on your specific needs and budget. A gym app can provide more convenience and engagement for members, but it can also be more expensive. A gym website is generally more cost-effective and accessible to a wider audience, but may be less engaging for members.

Gym App vs. Gym Website

As a gym owner, you may be wondering whether to invest in a gym app or a gym website, or both. Here are the differences between the two, along with their features and benefits:

Gym App:

A gym app is a mobile application that can be downloaded and installed on a smartphone. Here are some of the features and benefits of a gym app:


  • Convenient: A gym app provides easy and quick access to gym features and functions directly on the member’s smartphone.
  • Engagement: Push notifications can increase member engagement by keeping them informed about new classes, promotions, and other gym-related news.
  • Accessibility: Door access through the app provides a convenient and secure way for members to enter the gym.
  • Personalization: A gym app can offer personalized content and recommendations to individual members based on their usage history and preferences.


  • Cost: Developing a gym app can be expensive, particularly if you want a customized app with advanced features.
  • Limited audience: A gym app is only accessible to members who have downloaded and installed the app.
  • Maintenance: A gym app requires regular updates and maintenance to ensure compatibility with the latest mobile devices and operating systems.

Gym Website:

A gym website is a website that can be accessed through a web browser on a computer or mobile device. Here are some of the features and benefits of a gym website:


  • Cost-effective: A gym website is generally more cost-effective than a gym app.
  • Wider audience: A gym website can be accessed by anyone with an internet connection, which can help to attract new members.
  • Informational: A gym website can provide detailed information about the gym’s services, amenities, schedules, pricing, and membership options.
  • Search engine optimization (SEO): A gym website can be optimized for search engines, making it easier for potential members to find the gym online.


  • Less convenient: A gym website may be less convenient for members, as they need to access it through a web browser rather than a dedicated app.
  • Less engagement: A gym website may be less engaging than a gym app, as it does not provide push notifications or door access.
  • Limited personalization: A gym website may not be able to offer personalized content or recommendations to individual members.

However, as a gym owner, you don’t need to develop a gym app or a gym website on your own. You can invest in a gym management software that offers both options, such as GymMaster. This win-win solution provides your gym with a fully functional gym app and website portal that are customizable and fully integrated with your gym’s management system. By using both the gym app and website portal, you can provide your members with a convenient and personalized experience, while also reaching a wider audience and increasing member engagement.

Gym Website Best Practices

Optimizing your gym website for conversions and member engagement is key to attracting and retaining members. Here are some best practices for creating a gym website that converts and engages:

  1. Clear Calls-to-Action: Make sure your website has clear calls-to-action (CTAs) that direct visitors to take action, such as signing up for a membership or booking a class. Use buttons or links that are visually prominent and easy to find on the website.

  2. Membership Sign-Up Forms: Include membership sign-up forms on your website that are easy to use and understand. Make sure the forms are mobile-friendly and optimized for quick and easy sign-up.

  3. Easy-to-Use Booking System: Make it easy for members to book classes and manage their schedules through an online booking system. Ensure that the booking system is easy to use and responsive, allowing members to book classes from any device.

  4. Class Discounts: Offer special discounts or promotions to encourage members to book more classes. For example, you can offer a discount for booking multiple classes in advance.

  5. Responsive Design: Make sure your website is designed to be responsive and optimized for all devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones. A responsive website design will ensure that your website is easy to navigate and use on any device.

  6. Mobile Optimization: In addition to responsive design, optimize your website specifically for mobile devices. This includes using mobile-friendly font sizes and button sizes, and minimizing the amount of scrolling required to access key information.

By following these best practices, you can create a gym website that is optimized for conversions and member engagement, helping to attract and retain members for your gym.

Creating Good Gym Website Content

Creating high-quality content for your gym website is essential for attracting and engaging potential and current members. Here are some tips for creating engaging and informative content for your gym website:

  1. Use Clear Language: Use clear, simple language that is easy to understand. Avoid jargon and technical terms that may be confusing to visitors who are not familiar with gym terminology.

  2. Incorporate Testimonials: Include testimonials from current members on your gym website to help build trust and credibility with potential members. Ask satisfied members to share their positive experiences with your gym, and feature their testimonials prominently on your website.

  3. Highlight Unique Selling Points: Highlight your gym’s unique selling points, such as specialized classes, experienced instructors, or state-of-the-art equipment. Emphasize what sets your gym apart from the competition.

  4. Provide Helpful Resources: Offer helpful resources and information that can help visitors achieve their fitness goals, such as workout plans, nutrition tips, and fitness advice.

  5. Optimize for Search Engines: Optimizing your gym website for search engines is essential for improving visibility and attracting more traffic to your site. Here are some tips for optimizing content for search engines:

  • Use relevant keywords: Use relevant keywords throughout your website, including in headings, page titles, and meta descriptions.
  • Provide high-quality content: Provide high-quality, informative content that offers value to visitors.
  • Use internal linking: Link to other relevant pages within your website to help search engines understand the structure of your site.
  • Optimize images and videos: Use descriptive file names and alt tags for images and videos to help them show up in search engine results.

By following these tips, you can create engaging and informative content for your gym website that attracts and retains members. And by optimizing your content for search engines, you can improve visibility and attract more traffic to your site.

Cost of Maintaining a Gym Website Monthly

Maintaining a gym website requires ongoing expenses for web hosting, software updates, and other maintenance costs. Here are some of the ongoing costs associated with maintaining a gym website:

  1. Web Hosting Fees: Web hosting fees are a monthly or annual expense for hosting your website on a server. The cost of web hosting can vary based on the level of service and features included, such as bandwidth, storage, and security.

  2. Software Updates: Software updates are essential for keeping your website running smoothly and securely. This includes updates to your website’s content management system (CMS), plugins, and other software used to manage your website.

  3. Domain Name Renewal: A domain name is the web address used to access your gym website. Domain names typically need to be renewed on an annual basis, and the cost can vary based on the registrar used and the popularity of the domain name.

  4. Security and Backup Services: Security and backup services are essential for protecting your website from hackers and data loss. These services can include firewalls, malware scanners, and backup and restore tools.

  5. Technical Support: Technical support is essential for resolving issues and keeping your website running smoothly. Technical support can be provided by a web hosting provider or by a third-party provider.

The average monthly cost of maintaining a gym website can vary based on the level of service and features required. However, a rough estimate for ongoing maintenance costs can range from $50 to $200 per month, depending on the complexity of the website and the level of service required.

By understanding the ongoing costs associated with maintaining a gym website, you can plan your budget and ensure that your website remains up-to-date, secure, and running smoothly.


In today’s digital age, having a user-friendly and integrated online presence is essential for any gym. A gym website and app provide valuable tools for managing memberships, class schedules, and virtual classes, while also attracting and engaging potential and current members.

In this article, we’ve covered a range of topics related to creating and maintaining a gym website, including:

Key elements of a gym website

  • Linking a gym website to a CRM
  • Cost of creating and maintaining a gym website
  • Offering virtual gym classes on a website
  • Hiring someone to run your gym website
  • Differences between a gym app and gym website
  • Best practices for gym website setup
  • Creating good gym website content
  • Cost of maintaining a gym website monthly

At GymMaster, we understand the challenges of managing a gym and keeping up with the latest technology. That’s why we offer an all-in-one gym management software that covers everything from billing to bookings, memberships, door access, and more. Our mobile app and website portal provide a user-friendly and integrated online presence for gyms and their members.

We encourage readers to explore our website and mobile app features, and to sign up for a free trial or demo. With GymMaster, you can streamline your gym operations and provide a seamless online experience for your members.