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The Key to Member Retention

Dru Hill
Dru Hill
Published on Thu, Sep 4, 2014

At the core of it, happy members rejoin. Often it is easy to forget the basics, of what drives member retention. Its easy is often easy to sign up members, but retaining members is the hard part of running a gym. Sort out retention and your health club will grow. Knowing the reason why members leave or don’t rejoin gives you insight on how to grow your gym.

Members join gyms to achieve fitness goals

But members stay at a gym for these reasons:

  • Achieving fitness goals. The desire to see real progress with your fitness goals, and know you can achieve it.
  • Location. People want to join a gym close to where the live or work; or on the way between the two
  • Feel at home. A gym has to be a comfortable place, where spending an hour or more on a regular basis is an enjoyable thing to do.
  • Knowing people at the gym makes you feel a part of it. Working out with friends is more fun and competitive than going at it alone.
  • Having the right trainer. Ever felt the need to go to the gym, but avoid it because your personal trainer could be there? You’re not alone.
  • The price is right. A gym membership has to affordable, and the visits/value you get out of it needs to match what you pay.