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Retaining memberships... tip 3

Dru Hill
Dru Hill
Published on Wed, Feb 9, 2011

Watch for red flags

A sure-fire sign that a member is at risk of cancelling their membership is when they stop attending your club as often as they used to.  By keeping tabs on attendance rates, you can spot at-risk members and see if you can find ways to stop them running away. Perhaps you could offer a free personal training session to get them motivated, or a discounted massage if they attend 3 times a week for the next month. It might be something as simple as an email, just to say “hey, is there something we can do to help?” (FYI: Gym Master can keep track of member attendance for you, and even send out automated emails depending on a member’s activity, so keeping an eye on “at-risk” members is actually much easier than it sounds!) If you want to demo the lite version of Gym Master go to today, or alternatively for a free online demonstration of the full version software which includes direct debit facility, SMS, door access, point of sale etc, send an email to