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Refreshing your Fitness Club in 5 Easy Steps

Dru Hill
Dru Hill
Published on Fri, Feb 15, 2019

For many gyms when they first set up shop with their shiny new machines, dumbbells and bathrooms there is a lot of excitement among new members to get in and try the place out.

After a few years, this shine will fade due to the hard daily use of your facility. However, while a gym isn’t expected to look perfect at all times, one thing which should always stay fresh and interesting is the clubs’ culture.

A good club culture is crucial to the engagement of members and the success of your fitness club. Making sure members enjoy their time at your club and feel included is key to ensuring they keep coming back and recommend it to their friends, which is why it’s crucial to keep your gym from becoming stagnant.

Here’s 5 quick ideas for revamping your gym and keeping those members on their toes.

1. Change things up

A free and easy way to giving your members a fresh new perspective of your fitness club is to do just that. Giving equipment a shuffle around and trying out a new layout for your club can give your members a fresh new facility to explore and they may even find equipment which they have never used or seen before at your club.

2. Get in touch with their competitive side

Another great way to keep your fitness club interesting is by creating a sense of competition. You can do so by creating club competitions - you could old school with bench or long distance rowing competitions or if you’re feeling extravagant you could use equipment to gamify their workouts such as the Myzone Fitness Tracker.

3. Mix up the roster and class timetables

A good way to shake things up, even for a short while is by mixing up the roster of your personal trainers or your class instructors. Doing so will not only give your members a bit of variety, but also the opportunity to meet new people and make friends. Which, if they’ve been in the same routine for years can become difficult.

4. Club trips, gatherings or boot camps

Special events gives members something to look forward to and prepare for. Preparation for a big event is a great motivator for your members to work out and the experience of being at an event with other members builds important relationships for club culture.

5. Keep your branding and marketing current

Branding and marketing materials are a great way for prospective members to be able to tell how old your facility is, and some might even perceive it as a way to measure how well your facility is looked after and performing.

For example, if your logo and gym storefront use 90’s colours on signage, or if your website design is unresponsive to new devices, is difficult to navigate and slow - prospective members are more likely to skip to the next fitness club as they’ll immediately get the impression that the club is old and outdated.

A revision of an old logo or your branding could go a long way to showing off your club, and it’s easy to keep your website up to date and current with today’s website builders such as Squarespace and WordPress. GymMaster allows integrations with both of these platforms so your members can view or book in for classes, make personal trainer appointments and sign up to your club. We also offer the GymMaster app as another way to ensure your members have best possible experience with your fitness club online, check it out here.

To get a free demo or just learn more about GymMaster click here.