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Quick Tips to Make your Club's Website More Useful

Dru Hill
Dru Hill
Published on Sun, Feb 24, 2019

In today’s day and age, it’s relatively easy for anyone to create their own websites for their gym. There are a number of platforms for which you can sit down at your computer with little to no coding experience and knock out a visually appealing and more-than-sufficient website for your business.

It’s one thing to create a website, but it’s a whole other story to create a USEFUL website. By useful website, we mean one where it’s going to benefit both your business, it’s members and also prospective members.

For a fitness facility or health club’s website to be useful you need to think about who is going to be using the site and what they’re using it for. Prospective members and existing members have different requirements - as do long-time gym goers vs first-time visitors.

Here’s a comparison between the website requirements of these three groups for a gyms website.

Prospective Members

  • Club location
  • Opening hours
  • Features & facilities
  • Types of classes
  • What the health club looks like
  • How many and what type of members workout here
  • Contact details to find more information
  • See who personal trainers are and their specialties
  • Social media page links
  • Ability to sign up to the club

New Members

  • Opening hours
  • Social media page links
  • Ability to view availability and book slots in classes
  • Ability to view personal trainer availability and book appointments

Long-time Members

  • Ability to view availability and book slots in classes

As you can see, prospective members require much more information on your club to see if it suits them the best during the process of finding a new gym. As the member stays with the fitness club longer and gets into a routine, they tend to become more sure of themselves and require less information out of the website - more using it for bookings and timetable viewing functionalities.

Here’s a quick checklist of what you should include on your Fitness Clubs website to accommodate the needs of your prospective and existing members.

  • Club details: The type of health club, opening hours, locations and number of members (optional) need to be front and centre.
  • Features and facilities offered at the club: Photos of your bathrooms, video walkthroughs of the workout area and more
  • Information on classes and resources: Types of classes/resources you offer and the benefit of using them for the client.
  • Biography of key staff members: Members need to know which staff member they should contact for which issue, for example a body builder will want to connect with a trainer that has experience in their field etc.
  • Contact information: Phone numbers, emails, social media and anything else which members may need to get in touch with your club.

It’s easy enough to fill in a Squarespace or WordPress template with all of your fitness club’s information and make it look nice. BUT! When it comes to keeping your website up to date with class changes, personal trainer appointments, allowing members to sign up online (and other complicated functionalities) - that’s when things get a bit more complicated and tedious. That’s where GymMaster comes in.

GymMaster actually allows you to integrate these features offered within its membership management software (along with others) directly into your existing website, and it’s relatively easy too.

Online Sign Up

This is important to increase the rate which prospects who visit your convert into new members of your health club. GymMaster can give prospects the ability to sign up for their membership straight from your website. Eliminating the need for unnecessary administration work and paper waivers.

Classes Timetable and Bookings

GymMaster allows you to give members viewable access to your real-time class timetable

This means if your class is cancelled or full, they won’t be able to book in online (if you set it to do so) limiting the number of people to turn up to your classes and avoiding overbookings.

Personal Trainer Appointments

The same goes for your personal trainers too, members are able to see their availability and easily select an available slot which suits them best for a trainer session. This automatically links with the schedule of your personal trainers, allowing them to easily see when they have bookings.If you’re interested in getting your website set up and integrated with GymMaster or just want more information on what GymMaster can offer, follow this link