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New GymMaster Feature: Favorite Reports

Dru Hill
Dru Hill
Published on Tue, May 14, 2019

If you use GymMaster reports, you may have already noticed the introduction of two new icons to your reporting interface - ♥ & ★. These symbols are the My Favorite ♥ and Company Favorite ★ buttons for GymMaster’s new “Favorite Reports” feature. These new additions allow you to add important reports to the favorites tab, making accessing and running them a breeze.

screenshot of reports - with favourites icon

The “Company Favorite” button ★ adds the report to the favorites tab for all staff users within GymMaster. This button is only visible to users with admin rights. The “My Favorites” button ♥ adds the report to the favorites tab only for your user. So your favorite reports aren’t added to the favorites for everyone else within the company. Setting a favorite this way also places it to the top of the list keeping it handy for regular use.

Here’s an Example:

reports screenshot

This is what a typical list of staff reports looks like. Note the staff list falls about half way through the reports.

reports screenshot - expanded view

If we click on a report, we can see these new buttons on the bottom right corner. Let’s toggle these (as pictured above).

reports screenshot - my favourites

Now if we refresh the page we can see the “Staff List” report has shifted to the top of the staff list. This is because the “My Favorites” heart has been toggled, which makes the report a priority for you.

reports screenshot - favorites

Clicking the “Favorites” tab now shows this report within the list. You can find this by clicking “Report & Till” > “Standard Report” and “Favorites” is at the top of the report types. This report also shows in the favorites tab for every staff member within the club as “Company Favorites” star is toggled on.   If you have any questions or queries with regards to favorite reports, be sure to reach out to The support team will be in touch and can help you with any of your concerns.