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Improving our Dash Board!

Dru Hill
Dru Hill
Published on Fri, Jun 15, 2012

We are keen to get your feedback on changes to our user interface.  Before we release the update we wanted to get your thoughts and opinions on the types of Key Performance Indicators that you rely on, on a daily basis. We appreciate we have many indicators within GymMaster but by bringing a few to the dashboard we hope will help centre your businesses attention on improving your success. These are the indicators we are planning on including:

  • Total Active Members

  • Total Happy Members

  • Total Active Prospects

  • Total Visits Today

  • 30 Day Retention rate_“Percentage of members over the last 30 days that re-sgined within 28 days of their membership expiring”_

  • 30 Day New Member Sign-ups_“Total number of new members who have signed up in the last 30 days, excludes re-signees”_

  • 30 Day Members Expiring_“Total number of members whose membership is due to expire in the next 30 days”_

  We are particularly interested to know:

  • Which of these indicators would you review on a daily basis?
  • What indicators are not listed here that you review on a regular basis as a key tool to improve business success?
  • Would you like us to include some benchmark analysis for similar health clubs?
  • Look forward to hearing your thoughts so that we can make the software work for you!