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Out-of-the-box ideas for a stronger gym community

Dru Hill
Dru Hill
Published on Sun, Oct 2, 2022
gym members

A strong gym community paves the way for gym success. When people enjoy the company they have in your club, the higher the chance that they keep on renewing their memberships. A great gym community is an effective way to keep your clients engaged.

Hence, it’s a no-brainer that you should implement measures that aim to enhance and strengthen the community in your club. In this article, we discuss the different things you can do to make your gym community stronger and larger.

6 easy and actionable ideas to build a stronger gym community

Host more events

Running events in your club allows your members to get to know each other. Not only that, but it’s also a great opportunity for you and your employees to get to know your members.

When it comes to these events, you can be as creative as you want. Here are some event ideas you can consider:

  • Seasonal parties such as Christmas parties or summer parties
  • Attend huge races, marathons, and competitions together
  • Group fitness events like team sports, in-club competitions, and outdoor workouts
  • Training and learning sessions with famous fitness gurus
  • Themed classes
  • Field trips

Take note that these events shouldn’t necessarily be fitness-related events. Anything your members can potentially enjoy is an ideal event to host.

Create a community noticeboard

Put up a noticeboard where your members can put their business cards and contact details for networking purposes. This is an effortless method to help members connect with fellow members and eventually support each other’s businesses.

This promotes a supportive community any client would love to belong in. Through the network your gym can help build, a stronger and more solid fitness community follows.

Add a sauna

Saunas are an incredible environment to socialize and make connections. In fact, in European countries, friends and family gather in sauna places to spend some time to bond together.

Hence, on top of the many benefits of using the sauna, it can also help create connections among your members. The small talks that may arise from sauna sessions can lead to greater and deeper friendships which will eventually benefit your club.

Create a social media group

Putting up a group on social media is a great means to boost communication among the staff and members even without being inside the corners of your gym.

You can even go a step further by hosting challenges wherein they share their progress photos. It can also be a place where members can seek for tips and advices so other members can hop in and share their fitness secrets. This way, you are not only promoting a sense of community but you’re also creating a space that will help inspire your members.

Hold challenges within your club

A healthy competition is always a good idea. Setting up challenges among your members can give them the motivation they need. There are various challenges to choose from and you can also hold these challenges on a weekly, monthly, or yearly basis.

When your members have similar goals in mind, it helps create a bond and camaraderie among themselves. Some of the challenges you can do are as follows:

  • The fastest on treadmill
  • The most number of push-ups
  • The most number of pull-ups
  • The longest plank
  • The highest in attendance
  • The heaviest lift

When it comes to these things, you can be as creative as you can!

Host charity drives

Hosting donation drives and charity events doesn’t only make your members become closer but is a commendable way to give back to your community. People who do good deeds together create a bond like no other. You must also strategically use social media to engage your members to join the fun.

It can be a setting up a donation drop-off for families hit by a calamity. You can also host fitness classes or bootcamps wherein a percentage of your sales will go to the charity. And who knows? Your club’s charitable deeds may even drive more new members to your business.


It’s easy to say that you need to ramp up your gym’s community, but the tasks required to achieve this goal can be too much to bear for any owner. Good thing, there’s an all-in-one system that can take care of all the communications to get your members visiting more often. If you want to learn more about this software, click here!