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How to retain your gym members ... tip 4

Dru Hill
Dru Hill
Published on Wed, Jun 29, 2011

Get members to try it all!

A member who only comes into the club to use the treadmill is harder to retain than a member who uses the exercise equipment, the personal trainer, the group fitness classes, and who enjoys a smoothie at the cafe. These extra activities encourage involvement, and remember: involvement is the key to retention. Try to find ways to get your members involved in all aspects of the gym. Promote fitness classes to the die-hard machine users. Offer discount vouchers for your other services, or perhaps provide packages that combine services at a discounted rate. A client told me that using Gym Master has really aided him in encouraging members to give everything a go at the club.  He used a mixture of sms and emails automatically generated from the system targeting members that continue to use only one aspect of the club. It only took a couple of minutes to write his own template and then simply a matter of pressing send.  He found some systems restrictive in the way you can discount or offer a promotion and was pleased with gymmaster’s flexibility especially when it allowed him to be more creative in his approach rather than being restricted to a unexciting traditional method.  The immediate results were fantastic with an initial big uptake in a variety of activities and found he lost fewer customers in these months than he did this time last year. If you want to know more, flick an email to and get someone to assist in a free one to one demo.