Your gym’s success is driven by member retention. The number of customer visits is a critical means to measure the efficacy of your fitness services. The higher the number of member visits, the higher chance that members will most likely renew their subscription to your club.
There are numerous reasons why members suddenly stop visiting your gym business. It may be due to waning motivation, insufficient progress, inadequate gym services, or poor customer service, among many others. Increasing gym visitations means boosting gym member retention as well. In this article, let’s round-up some effective ways to gain more gym visits.
Ways to encourage higher gym member visitation
Help them see results quickly
People stay when they see results. That’s just how human nature works. This means that you shouldn’t only provide services to help them improve but you should also help them see their progress.
Obviously, nutrition is a huge contributor to visible fitness results, so you can regularly e-mail them nutritional tips to help them achieve their goals faster. You can also set up a general daily workout plan so even members who aren’t enrolled with any personal trainers have something to look forward to. Also, help them measure their results by offering regular body composition checks and by encouraging members to take before and after photos.
Encourage staff to build relationships with membersrs
Having pleasant and approachable staff is a treat to any customer. This is why it’s important to train your staff appropriately and to have standards in place. Carefully consider someone’s personality before hiring.
A friendly admin at the front desk who greets members by name and with a huge smile on his/her face is a delight to see. Greeting members during their birthdays can easily make anyone feel important, a good membership management system will help your team with this task.
Also, make sure that all staff is trained to be approachable whenever members have any concerns or inquiries. Make it a point that they’re always checking emails and messages to be able to answer questions promptly.
Encourage members to build relationships with other members
Building friendships with co-members is another great way to boost gym member retention. This is best achieved by creating and offering targeted group training, classes, and boot camps. Assess the demographic profiles and interests of your members and use that data in creating group services. For instance, if your membership management system shows that a good amount of your members work a day job, scheduling classes at night is a must. Another example is maybe you have a lot of moms in your gym club, schedule dance classes during periods when kids are most likely at school.
By considering the little details in creating your classes, you are subsequently encouraging attendance. Now by attending these classes, relationships with like-minded people can be built and will serve as a community your members will love to keep going back to. Plus, having accountability partners is always fun and is an effective way to ramp up member retention.
Encourage engagement with other services
By tracking member activities, you can easily find out their typical routines or the types of classes they prefer. More often than not, it’s a nice idea to help them jump out of their comfort zones. Encourage them to try other facilities, services, or classes you offer. You can even go above and beyond by offering incentives to those who are willing to try something new.
Somewhere along the way, they may find another offered service they enjoy, increasing the reasons why they would stay and keep renewing that membership.
All these tasks may seem overwhelming, but with a gym management system set up, these should be a walk in the park. Switch to a gym management system that elevates member experience to help engage them in your club like never before.
To learn more about the member experience tools available for you, click HERE.