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How do I get more reviews from gym members?

Dru Hill
Dru Hill
Published on Thu, Aug 4, 2022
get more reviews from gym members

In this digital era, I cannot stress enough how the reviews your members leave can make or break potential clients. Consumers of today have made it a habit to check reviews before making any purchase. It was found that 89% of people will end up availing of the product or service within a week of visiting a website, and guess what’s the first and the last thing they check? You’ve guessed it right—the reviews!

However, the challenge with getting gym reviews is that only your past and present members can write them, which are a lot less potential reviews compared to, let’s say, if you’re selling low-ticket goods anyone on the internet can buy. Thus, making sure that most, if not all, of your clients leave great feedback is crucial.

But don’t worry! There are different things you can do to accomplish this task. With just a few steps, you can ## definitely stay on top of getting more members to provide feedback. Here are some tips to get your gym more reviews.

How to get more reviews from gym members

Aim for customer satisfaction

The only thing worse than having no reviews is having a pile of bad ones. Members who are not happy with your service aren’t likely to leave positive reviews. So the goal here is not only to boost the number of reviews but ensure that every review is a positive one. To make this happen, meeting or exceeding expectations is key.

The best method to measure customer satisfaction is through a Net Promoter Score (NPS). This is a customer loyalty and satisfaction measurement by using just one question. Thus, it is easy for your members to answer yet it provides a huge deal of information for you.

You can send this as a survey to get a hold of a baseline understanding of what your member feels about your club before reaching out for reviews. This is an excellent method to avoid negative reviews that will stick with your gym forever.

Prompt at the right times

The timing of your prompt for a review can make a world of difference. You can prompt after a class when the memory of the experience is fresh and the endorphins are high. You can also opt to prompt after a pre-set amount of time from signing up or maybe once they hit a certain amount of visits.

You don’t want to prompt a member who just signed up a few days ago. It’s best that you send out prompts once members have already spent enough time trying out most of your facilities. Hopefully, this will encourage them to leave high-quality feedback.

Direct your members to the appropriate review platforms

To increase the chance of members writing that review when you prompt them, make sure that it will be easy for them to get to the site. Whether it’s on your website, Google reviews, or any third-party platform, make sure to link it in your prompt message. The less hassle they have to go through to leave feedback, the more likely they will happily comply.

Incentivize reviews

Nothing motivates people to do something more than rewards. It’s just how humans are. A great example is giving them a membership discount when they write your gym feedback. It can also be in the form of one or two free classes. Another great example is members can get some of your gym merchandise in exchange for a review.

People enjoy positive reinforcement so make sure that you don’t leave this part out if you really want to grow your review count. And since this is such an amazing deal, it may even encourage your members to spread the word and help bring in new members—a classic example of gym word of mouth.


If you’ve got hundreds, or thousands of members at your gym, you could be sitting on a gold mine of gym growth. However, staying on top of all the required tasks to maximize your gym’s potential can be quite hefty and tedious.

But you’re not exactly helpless! Get a gym member management system that can automatically send prompts to your members. All you have to do is set the parameters, timing, and your target clients and just let the gym software do the job for you. This will save you a lot of your precious time while boosting your gym reviews.