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GymMaster Gym Software Release

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GymMaster Software Release v1305

Wed, Apr 17, 2024  

Initial Release: 17th April 2024


  • Initiated a slow rollout of an updated Schedule page featuring improved design and enhanced user-friendliness. This update will be automatically applied to a select subset of clients initially.

General Improvements:

  • Relocated the ‘Customise Member App’ button to the Member Portal settings. It was previously located at the bottom of the Dashboard.
  • Added Member Portal setting ‘Allow members to log in to linked profiles’, which provides control over whether linked members can swap between accounts.
  • Stripe will now use ‘Real-time’ billing for immediate charges in the Member Portal. This will also save the billing information to the member’s file.
  • Added Member Portal setting ‘Enable language selection in the Member Portal’ that when enabled will allow members to choose their preferred language at the bottom of the portal.
  • Improved the message displayed in the member billing section for the billing status of linked members.
  • Added a confirmation pop-up when deleting portal buttons to prevent accidental removal.
  • Various UI improvements made to the edit Member Portal Buttons page.
  • Added information about a member’s ‘Snoozing’ status, displayed when hovered over throughout the system.
  • Improved tooltip on the refund button for payments, providing more information on why the option to refund might be disabled.
  • Added a variety of Member Club information report fields for booking events, useful for populating club information when the booking club differs from the member’s home club.
  • Added the option to set a ‘Prospect Funnel Stage’ when adding or editing a task via the ‘Task’ page for a member.
  • Enabled support for inserting the ‘Club Booking Email’ field into the email CC/BCC field, useful for sending copies of confirmation emails to the club.
  • Made adjustments to the interface for EzyPay billing information collection to improve its appearance.

Notable Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where only the Dynamic Discount Code Prefix would incorrectly validate if there was a Static Discount Code with the same code as the prefix.
  • Fixed an issue with the class category drop-down for multi-club databases when different clubs had different tax rates set for a given class category.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented saving when editing a link for linked members.
  • Fixed an issue where the ‘Membership Total Cost During Min Term’ report field did not correctly account for holds if the hold start date and the membership start date were the same.
  • Fixed an issue where opting out from SMS by replying was sometimes not functioning correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where removing an image from the template image library would remove it from all templates that used it.
  • Fixed an issue where the ‘Send auto-email notification to gym when class attendee cancels’ setting incorrectly appeared under ‘Advanced Configuration’ instead of ‘Member Portal’ settings.
  • Fixed an issue where the ‘Service Cancellation Fee’ would sometimes not save when saving a service type.
  • Fixed an issue where adding a membership to a prospect that gets converted did not immediately make the billing section available.
  • Fixed an issue where using the ‘Staff Override’ option when manually checking in a member could sometimes use an expired membership.
  • Fixed an issue where the next billing date for a member could occasionally display a different date in the Preview Future Billing compared to the ‘Next Billed’ date shown under the member profile picture. This has now been standardized to display the correct date in both places.