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GymMaster Gym Software Release

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GymMaster Software Release v1300

Tue, Apr 2, 2024  

Initial Release: 2nd April 2024

General Improvements:

  • Added ‘Billing Settlement Date’ field for the ‘All Payments’ report.
  • Improved the formatting of the resource and trainer information in service confirmation emails.
  • When a staff member opens a door through the App or Gymmaster web, a visit will now be recorded in the ‘Visitor’ page for better visibility of staff actions.
  • Add tax inclusive and exclusive selection inputs for promotion periods for the Membership Type create/edit page.
  • Improved the interface and wording of the linked member page to make it more clear that it is also used for adding additional members to a shared membership.
  • Added Advanced Configuration setting ‘Product Benefit Bypass Sell Online’ that will control if members with product discount benefits allow members to buy those products online for normally non-sell online products.
  • Added Zoom URL in emails for live streamed bookings if the booking was made by a staff member to match portal behavior.
  • Expanded translation coverage throughout the system.
  • Added ‘GymMaster Ownership’ information on the ‘Club Details’ page to clearly display who has primary authority over the Gymmaster account.
  • Added the Group Service Invite URL to the booking confirmation email for Group Services.

Notable Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed issue in the portal where sending an email invite to a group PT would result in an indefinite loading animation.
  • Fixed issue where the cancellation fee was not saving on membership types when editing the cancellation fee excluding tax field.
  • Fixed issue that could prevent canceling repeat classes through the portal.
  • Fixed issue where the ‘Settlement Date’ in the ‘Settled Billing Payments’ report was missing for linked members.
  • Fixed issue where using the ‘override’ option for a manual check-in on an incomplete membership could result in benefits incorrectly being consumed.
  • Fixed various issues with the ‘Referrals In Period’ report.
  • Fixed issue with staff clock in where staff were able to clock in multiple times in quick succession by quickly pressing the button multiple times without a corresponding clock out resulting in bad data.
  • Fixed issue where checking in an additional member on a shared membership into a booking would result in the check in being recorded under the primary shared member instead of the actual member in the booking.
  • Fixed issue where the ‘Next Payment Date’ field when editing a members membership was a required field when it shouldn’t be.
  • Fixed issue where linked members might not be paid for by another member, if the member being paid for had billing details on their account for a different billing provider to the provider used by the paying member.
  • Fixed issue where the troubleshooting guide link for desktop readers would not take you directly to the correct section.
  • Fixed issue where attempting to edit and complete an incomplete transaction for a Gift Voucher would not correctly work.
  • Fixed issue where Member Referred tasks with existing old legacy referrals would result in tasks being incorrectly triggered for old referrals.
  • Fixed issue where parent linked members needed to wait 3 minutes between each transaction when making bookings for multiple members through the Members Portal.
  • Fixed issue preventing primary members from logging into linked members in the portal.
  • Fixed issue where the ‘Use Generic Member Avatars’ Advanced Configuration was not working if the ‘Enable gender’ Advanced Configuration was disabled.