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GymMaster Gym Software Release

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GymMaster Software Release v1265

Mon, Dec 11, 2023  

Initial Release: 11th December 2023

General Improvements:

  • Allow the purchase of additional ‘non_concurrent’ limited memberships in the Member Portal. Trying to purchase a ‘non_concurrent’ limited membership while you are already on one, will result in the startdate of the new membership being pushed out until the current one has ended.
  • Added button to delete staff members on their staff page in user administration. Before this the only option was to delete them in the ‘list’ view.
  • Added functionality to duplicate library workouts.
  • Display the Invoice Number in outstanding charge note in POS. If an outstanding charge is already assigned to an invoice, show that invoice number in the note on the pay outstanding list in the pos. This will help staff recording manual payments quickly and find the correct charges to record the payment against.
  • Improve the interface for the edit facility page, primarily around the ‘delete’ functionality to better inform the user on the results of performing that action.
  • Added functionality to edit the start date of additional members in shared memberships.

Notable Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed issue where ‘Sign & Complete’ would not allow memberships to complete where the startdate was too far in the past.
  • Added support for HEIC Image uploads.
  • Fixed issue where maximum device limits were incorrectly being reached due to an IOS update for iPhones.
  • Fixed issue where ‘booking waitlist’ templates could not pull the associated booking report source fields.
  • Fixed issue where changing the start time of a personal booking could incorrectly adjust the booking length.
  • Added validation to the date of birth for staff members.