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GymMaster Gym Software Release

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GymMaster Software Release v1390

Tue, Nov 26, 2024  

Initial Release: 26th November 2024


  • Introduced the Mass Hold Tool, allowing holds to be added to multiple members simultaneously based on their membership type and club. This feature can be enabled via the ‘Mass Hold Tool’ Advanced Configuration setting and accessed through the Club Details page.

General Improvements:

  • Added a ‘Membership Type’ filter for the “Hold Starting” and “Hold Ending” task triggers.
  • Added an ‘All Instructors’ insert field to booking reports, which lists all instructors, including additional instructors.
  • Member Portal sessions no longer include the session ID in the URL. This will result in portal URL’s being shorter.

Notable Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed issue where the ‘Membership Type’ filter did not work correctly for the ‘First Gym Visit’ task trigger.
  • Fixed errors when generating reports using a ‘Promotion’ type report field.
  • Fixed various issues with the ‘Price Per Unit’ discount type in the Point of Sale (POS).
  • Corrected the ‘Every X Days No Visit’ task trigger to prevent it from triggering on day 0.
  • Fixed rare bug causing membership charges being incorrectly voided after updating the price and next payment date.
  • Fixed an issue where Member Portal sessions persisted when opening a referral link in the same browser, resulting in an error.
  • Fixed issue preventing input of decimal numbers for measurements.
  • Fixed an issue where POS discount notes would disappear after editing the quantity.
  • Prevented discount codes on memberships older than six months from being edited to avoid accounting issues.
  • Standardized date formatting on the ‘Member Agreements’ page within a member’s profile.
  • Adjusted status icon positioning for members on the class booking page.
  • Fixed an issue where promotion periods were not displayed as tax-exclusive when the ‘Display Membership Cost Excluding Tax’ Member Portal setting was enabled.
  • Fixed duplicate booking cancellation reasons dropdown appearing when repeatedly opening and closing the modal.
  • Fixed issue where members of age 0 years would bypass the initial age restriction validation.
  • Fixed grouping issues in the POS ‘Pay Owing’ option where linked members' charges were improperly split.
  • Fixed issue preventing maintenance fees from generating when prepaying a membership.
  • Fixed linked members being incorrectly denied entry if the paying member had a ‘deadline for owing’ and was in arrears.
  • Fixed an issue preventing the use of ‘Make Day Unavailable’ when unavailable time already existed on that day.
  • Added restrictions to prevent improper maintenance fee setups.
  • Fixed issue where the ‘First X Service Attendances’ event trigger was not working correctly.
  • Fixed failed billing notifications potentially being sent using the wrong club email template.
  • Fix edge cases causing de-syncs between the agreements signed and agreements complete during membership signup.