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Introducing Access Based Bookings

Access Based Bookings is a feature that allows gym owners to manage class attendance and membership status by integrating with gym door access control hardware. This streamlines the check-in process and provides valuable insights into gym performance, ultimately improving profitability and member satisfaction.

Increase Member Retention

With the system, members are only able to book classes during their membership's active period, increasing the likelihood of them renewing their membership.

Improve Staff Efficiency

The system integrates with gym door access control hardware, allowing staff to focus on providing excellent customer service rather than managing class attendance.

Reduce No-Shows

Members are required to check in at the gym's door before attending a class, reducing the number of no-shows and ensuring accurate attendance tracking.

Improve Profitability

The system allows you to easily manage class attendance and membership status, giving you valuable insights into gym performance. With this information, you can make data-driven decisions to improve profitability and member satisfaction.

Streamline Booking Types

The system can beused to manage a variety of booking types, including classes, personal training sessions, as well as other amenities such as tanning booths, saunas, and float tanks. This allows gym owners to easily manage and track usage of all their facilities, and make informed decisions to improve their overall business performance.

"GymMaster's Access Based Booking system has greatly improved our gym's efficiency and member retention. I highly recommend it to any gym owner."

John Doe, Gym Owner

"Since implementing GymMaster's system, our no-shows have greatly decreased and staff are able to provide better customer service. It's a game changer."

Jane Smith, Gym Manager
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